Wednesday, February 23, 2011

what kind of education/diploma/degree do I need in order to open a licensed day care business at home?

I try to open a store in a day at home watching the children 8.12. What type of degree / education / degree do I need? I know I need a state license. What is a good school to attend? What is faster than I can get my training needs? Depends on the state is six and it is difficult in itself that early education is not beneficial for this age and in fact would not be running a day care center more than one program after school. Ask your child care program for the state and see what the education requirements. In general classes on classroom management, environment, behavior and learning in classes in the game are necessary. A note of caution though: when it comes to what age group runs the risk of not making much money or take the children some after-school programs run on a minimum of € 20 per month per child to keep 20 hours a day at home often requires a degree of any kind in particular. It would not hurt to get a degree of Children Educationbut you do not need one to get a license for a daycare at home in any of the states looked. My mother has been a home daycare for over 30 years and never finished college. I have worked in several nurseries in three states and then to obtain a license in the country in the same states and none of them cared that my title has nothing * to do with very young children. If you really want to start as soon possible.I d 'go directly to google "Your government, licensed day care home" and see what you have to do. There are many more hoops to jump through to get home * a "code" to prepare. You just jump right in and see what you want. ETA: application Haylee.she s' to see their children do not * 12.08, children 8-12 years * * .


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